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    Elevated Travel

    About Me

    Welcome to Elevated Travel- I’m so happy you’re here! This site is for the travelers that chase their dreams with their kids in tow and desire to show their children the world.

    My name is Ashlyn. I’m a travel advisor, wife, and mom of two who is passionate about travel and experiencing new things. Becoming a mother didn’t slow me down, rather it inspired me to show my kids the world.

    Our family travels the US full-time in our RV and we’re always seeking new adventure. Whether you’re ready to book with me or looking for travel inspiration, I got you!

    Family photo over sedona red rocks
    the end of our hike at channel islands national park with kids

    Contact Form

    As of 2024, I am a certified Hawai’i Destination Specialist through the Hawai’i Visitor and Convention Bureau.

    This certification ensures a deep understanding of Hawaii’s diverse landscapes, culture, and attractions.