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    Elevated Travel

    Survive Flying with Kids Using These Sanity-Saving Hacks

    Last updated on September 1st, 2024 at 03:11 am

    As a travel advisor and mom of two young rambunctious boys, I’ve racked up more than my fair share of frequent flier miles over the years. And let me tell you, flying with little ones in tow is no easy feat. From toddler meltdowns to endless “Are we there yet?” questions, each trip seemed to test the limits of my sanity. But you know what? I’ve picked up some brilliant hacks along the way that have made flying with kids significantly smoother. Stick with me as I share my insights to help you navigate your next flight like a pro parent with these tips for flying with young kids.

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    Before You Go

    luggage illustrating sustainable travel

    Choose Your Seats Wisely

    Seat selection can make or break your flight experience with kids. I always opt for aisle seats to allow for easy bathroom breaks and minimal disturbance to other passengers, although having the whole row for your family is ideal. Sitting near the front of the plane also means you’ll be one of the first to deplane, which is a godsend when you’re juggling carry-ons and antsy children. If your kids tend to rile each other up, it’s best to separate them. For us it works well to let one kid have the window seat on the way there and the other gets it on the way back.

    Pack a Carry-On Goody Bag

    This is a must for any flight with kids. Fill a small backpack or tote with new toys, books, games, and activities to keep them engaged. I like this one because it’s easy to keep organized and has a luggage pass-through strap to make navigating through the airport easier. Wrap a few small trinkets for a surprise reveal mid flight. You’d be amazed at how exciting a simple new coloring book or mini etch-a-sketch can be to a kid stuck on a plane!

    I also make sure to pack plenty of their favorite snacks. There’s nothing worse than hangry kids in the air with limited food options. I have never had an issue going through security with food when I have my kids along, but consider packing snacks in their own baggy so you can take them out for the scanner. Toss in a tablet or portable DVD player loaded with new movies and games as well.

    Dress for Success

    Have your kids wear comfy clothes without any fiddly fasteners, and pack a complete change of clothes (or two!) in case of spills or accidents. You’ll appreciate the ease of slipping off shoes during security checks too. Leave the laces and buckles at home if you can.

    At the Airport

    Check In Online and Arrive Early

    Seriously, do this! It’ll save you so much stress. Check-in online before you arrive and go straight to the security line. Arrive at the airport with ample time to navigate security screening and make it to your gate. The last thing you want is to be rushing and frazzled before you even board.

    I also recommend hitting up any play areas near your gate to burn off some pre-flight energy. Trying to contain a cooped-up kid on a plane is just asking for trouble, and maybe you’ll get lucky and your kids will be ready for a nap!

    Gate-Check Bulky Items

    If you’re traveling with strollers, car seats, or other bulky kid gear, gate-check these items to keep your hands free. You can check car seats for free! You can snag them conveniently at the arrival gate, and it’s one less thing to lug around during the flight.

    On the Plane

    Snack Attack

    Come prepared with an arsenal of snacks and beverages to stave off hunger and boredom. Lollipops or hard candies can help kids’ ears pop during ascent and descent. Dry snacks like pretzels, crackers, or cereal are perfect for grazing. And juice boxes or milk cartons can double as both snacks and beverages.

    One of my go-to travel snacks is a small bento box filled with an assortment of finger foods like grapes, cheese cubes, nuts, and dried fruit. It keeps kids happily munching for a while. I like using this one because it snaps shut preventing spills (and a mommy-meltdown!).

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    Entertain and Distract

    Tablets loaded with new games and movies are a godsend on long flights. But I also pack a tote bag filled with sticker books, magnetic games, coloring supplies, and other analog activities. In-flight entertainment can help too if it’s available. For my older boy, I like to watch the in-flight map with him and talk about the states we’re flying over. You could also bring learning activities related to the destination you’re headed to! I’m a big fan of this one. This way you can have some fun and get some learning in at the same time!

    Another suggestion that I credit my husband with is asking the pilot while boarding if your kids can check out the cockpit! We did this once while we were traveling on our son’s 3rd birthday and they let him sit up front for a few minutes and press a few buttons. It made his whole day and set a great tone for our flight.

    Manage Expectations

    Before boarding, explain the procedures for boarding, takeoff, landing, and everything in between. Set reasonable time limits for using electronics, and build in plenty of breaks for wiggle time. Bring small rewards like stickers or candy to reinforce good behavior.

    I vividly remember a flight where I naively thought my 3 year old would be content watching movies the entire time. Big mistake! He melted down an hour in because I hadn’t set any expectations or limits. Lesson learned.

    Bonus Tips

    Ask for Help

    Flight attendants are usually happy to lend a hand, whether it’s retrieving something you’ve dropped or providing an extra snack or drink. Don’t be afraid to ask nearby passengers for a little patience and understanding too. Most folks have been in your shoes at some point.

    Stay Positive

    This is key! Your attitude as a parent can be contagious, for better or worse. If you’re frazzled and frantic, chances are your kids will mirror that energy. But if you stay positive and go with the flow, they’re more likely to remain calm and happy.

    Celebrate small victories along the way, like a successful takeoff or a few hours of peaceful play. And if things get bumpy, take a deep breath and remind yourself that this too shall pass. Before you know it, you’ll be on the ground at your destination.

    Flying with kids is no easy feat, but hopefully, these sanity-saving hacks will help make your next trip a little smoother. With some preparation and the right mindset, it can actually be an adventure instead of a nightmare. Keep these tips in mind, take a deep breath, and get ready for liftoff!

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